Algorithms Machine Learning Python

Linear Regression with Gradient Descent and Python

Gradient Descent is the key optimization method used in machine learning. Understanding how gradient descent works without using API helps to gain a deep understanding of machine learning. This article will demonstrates how you can solve linear regression problem using gradient descent method.

Our test data (x,y) is shown below. It is a simple linear function 2*x+3 with some random noise

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0,10,20)
y = 2*x+3+2*np.random.rand(len(x))


We use a model given by yhat = w*x +b. The loss function is a Mean Square Error (MSE) given by the mean sum of (yhat-y)**2. We compute the gradients of the loss function for w and b, and then update the w and b for each iteration. We output the final w, b, as well as the loss in each iteration.

def gradientDescent(x, y, theta, learn_rate, N, n_iter):
    loss_i = np.zeros(n_iter)
    for i in range(n_iter):
        w = theta[0]
        b = theta[1]
        yhat = w*x+b
        loss = np.sum((yhat-y)** 2)/(2*N)
        loss_i[i] = loss
        print("i:%d, loss: %f" % (i, loss))

        gradient_w =,(yhat-y))/N
        gradient_b = np.sum((yhat-y))/N
        w = w - learn_rate*gradient_w
        b = b - learn_rate*gradient_b
        theta = [w,b]
    return theta,loss_i

We set the hyperparametrs and run the gradient descent to determine the best w and b

n_iter = 100
learn_rate = 0.05
theta = np.zeros(2)
N = len(x)

theta,loss = gradientDescent(x, y, theta, learn_rate, N, n_iter)

After the iteration, we plot of the best fit line overlay to the raw data as shown below

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


We also plot the loss as a function of iteration. The loss reduces with time indicating the model is learning to fit to the data points

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

epoch = range(len(loss))


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May 3, 2021